Strategic intelligence and its interaction with other disciplines of knowledge



intelligence, globalization, knowledge management, security, military defense, cybersecurity, innovation, interdisciplinarity


Strategic intelligence (SI) has transcended its military origins to become a key tool in various fields such as business, education, and organizational management, adapting to the demands of a globalized world. Its interdisciplinary approach integrates data, narratives, reasoning, and advanced technologies, enabling the resolution of complex problems and optimizing decision-making. Fields such as knowledge management, cybersecurity, and social sciences stand out in its application, fostering innovation and organizational sustainability by anticipating risks and future trends. SI combines creativity, analysis, and foresight, reducing uncertainties and strengthening business and research strategies. Furthermore, it promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, generating new ideas and solutions through knowledge exchange and collaborative methods. This multifaceted approach drives continuous improvement across various contexts, from organizational to security domains, solidifying its role as an essential tool in a dynamic and competitive environment.

Author Biographies

  • Vladimir Osorio-Isaza, Datos, Analíticas y Soluciones (DattaSOL), Colombia

    Master in Strategic Intelligence, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (Colombia), Specialist in Strategic Data Analytics from the Konrad Lorenz University Foundation (Colombia), Specialist in International Business from the Free University of Colombia (Colombia), Professional in International Business from the School of Business Administration (Colombia).

  • Nelly Liliam Hernández-Olaya, Escuela de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia, Colombia

    Master in Education from the Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Colombia), Specialist in Psychological Intervention in Crisis Situations from the Universidad de San Buenaventura (Colombia), Psychologist from the University Antonio Nariño (Colombia). She is a full time professor and responsible for university welfare at the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence “BG. Ricardo Charry Solano” (Colombia).

  • Javier Ramírez-Narváez, Universidad Cuautéhmoc Aguascalientes, México

    Doctoral student in Educational Sciences at the Universidad de Cuautéhmoc (Mexico), Master in Education from the Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Colombia), with a specialization in University Teaching from the Centro de Educación Militar (Colombia), Professional in International Relations and Political Studies from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia), member of the Red de Investigadores Científicos de América Latina y el Caribe Red ICALC, Independent researcher as a graduate of the Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana Ibero (Colombia), with experience as a peer reviewer of the Revista Horizontes Pedagógicos of the Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Colombia), of the Revista de Ciencias Económico Administrativas of the Universidad de Sinaloa (Mexico), of the Multidisciplinary Journal Voces de América y el Caribe REMUVAC (Colombia) and of the Editorial Racionalidades (Peru), Researcher of the Center for Research in Asymmetric Warfare CIGA (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Osorio-Isaza, V., Hernández-Olaya, N. L., & Ramírez-Narváez, J. (2024). Strategic intelligence and its interaction with other disciplines of knowledge. Strategic Intelligence, 1(1), 11-17.