About the Journal

  1. Approach and Scope
  2. Thematic orientation and target audience
  3. Type and language of articles
  4. Periodicity
  5. Financing
  6. Open access, copyrights and license for publication.
  7. Content archiving
  8. Responsibility for contents



The Scientific Journal Strategic Intelligence, is an open access, peer-reviewed, academic journal published annually by the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI) of the National Army of Colombia.

The journal Strategic Intelligence is an interdisciplinary journal, with a focus on Social Sciences, which aims to disseminate the academic and research production of teachers and students of ESICI, as well as of different university institutions at national and international level.  In this way, the journal is projected as a reference product for the dissemination and visibility in Intelligence, Counterintelligence, Security, Defense and Technology, or related national or international current affairs, which present the results of research, the development of creativity and intellectual production of professionals; the content of the journal is aimed at specialists, researchers, teachers, undergraduate and graduate students.



The contents of the journal Strategic Intelligence are framed in the following thematic axes and corresponding disciplines:

a) Intelligence

b) Counterintelligence

c) Security

d) Defense

e) Technology


The journal Strategic Intelligence has as its thematic foundations the lines of research, research workshops and scientific events, all created and led by the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (ESICI), as well as those carried out by the academic community that conforms it. In addition to providing new knowledge in the field of science, which is very significant in our role as an institution of higher education. This results in topics of great importance for national security, intelligence and counterintelligence that respond to the needs of our military and academic personnel respectively.

This journal is aimed at a wide audience that includes policy makers, members of the Armed Forces, public servants, professionals, teachers, researchers and undergraduate and graduate students of social sciences and other areas of knowledge from external higher education institutions, interested in strategic thinking and culture; is focused on the dissemination of the academic and research production of teachers and other members of this community, of the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (ESICI), in order to expand the content in the areas of Intelligence, Counterintelligence, Security, Defense and Technology.

In addition to the above, the journal Strategic Intelligence is aimed primarily at decision makers, officers, non-commissioned officers and academic researchers in the area of strategic and military intelligence, national security and defense, as well as in the different scientific fields that have a direct or indirect link with the sciences of strategy.



The journal Strategic Intelligence publishes only articles resulting from scientific and technological research in three languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese). These are defined by Publindex-Minciencias as the original academic document that presents in detail the results derived from research or technological development projects completed with a minimum of 25 bibliographic sources cited.

  • Research articles: this type of article presents in detail the original results of research projects; its structure includes introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
  • Reflection articles: this type of article presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author(s), on a specific topic, using original sources.
  • Review articles: this type of articles should be the result of a research where the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science and technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for the advances and development trends; it should present a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 cited bibliographic sources.



The journal Strategic Intelligence is published annually (January-December) in digital and printed format. The online version and the printed version will be published in the fourth quarter of the year.



The journal Strategic Intelligence is an academic publication of the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI), belonging, in turn, to the National Army of Colombia, which, as a public entity, is financed with resources allocated by the National Government. In order to maintain its critical and independent character, the journal Strategic Intelligence does not accept funding from outside ESICI for its operation.

Thus, the entire publication process of the journal Strategic Intelligence is completely free of charge for authors; no article submission or processing charge is made for the submission, processing and publication of articles.



The journal Strategic Intelligence and all its published contents are open access, with full recognition of the authors' moral rights over their work.  For its publication, the authors agree to assign the publication rights in favor of the journal Strategic Intelligence in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivativeWorks.

Thus, authors and readers may copy and disseminate the article in the final version published online by the journal Strategic Intelligence, provided that the author (or authors) of the article is acknowledged and identified, no commercial use is made of the final published article, and no derivative works or modified versions are involved.



The journal Strategic Intelligence allows authors to self-archive their articles in institutional repositories, thematic repositories or personal web pages in the final version published online.

The journal Strategic Intelligence complies with the legal and digital deposit of its different volumes as specified in SIISE - National Library of Colombia.



The responsibility for the content of the articles published by the journal Strategic Intelligence corresponds exclusively to the authors.  The positions and assertions presented are the result of an academic and investigative exercise that does not represent the official or institutional position of the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI), the National Army of Colombia or the Ministry of National Defense.

Digital repository:

National Library of Colombia - SIISE

Public Forces Libraries Information System – SIBFuP

Library College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" - ESICI